Get an edge on the competition

The possibilities Solid Edge software offers are exciting. Find out how Solid Edge can solve your specific business challenges.


Reduce your design time by up to 50%

Solid Edge is CAD software that allows you to design at the speed of creative thought. It offers new subdivision modeling, synchronous technology, lightning-fast reverse engineering and a user interface powered by artificial intelligence.

✔ Synchronous Technology

✔ Adaptive UI

✔ Reverse Engineering

✔ Smart functionality to work with mesh data

✔ Advanced motion simulation & stress simulation

Reduce unique components in an assembly

Re-use existing design data instead of reinventing new data with the help of intelligent geometric search methods. Solid Edge helps you reduce costs for part design, tooling, manage inventory and procurement.

✔ Geometry search methods

✔ Search parts authored in all CAD software

✔ Eliminate unnecessary parts to reduce inventory growth

✔ Efficiently manage standard part catalogs


Single source of truth for your CAD data

Leverage the comprehensive yet scalable data management solutions in Solid Edge. Ensure the integrity, efficiency and traceability of your design data.

✔ Comprehensive yet scalable data management solutions

✔ Traceability of design data

✔ One step workflow with reviewer sign off

✔ Automatic creation of files on release (PDF, JT, etc.)

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Solid Edge offers your business next generation technologies that solve today’s toughest product development challenges. Leverage this CAD software to design at the speed of creative thought, with new subdivision modeling, synchronous technology, lightning-fast reverse engineering and user interface powered by artificial intelligence.

Solid Edge has world class solutions for mechanical, piping, electrical and PCB design, fully integrated simulation analysis, the latest tools for subtractive and additive manufacturing, robust technical documentation, industry leading data management and requirements management capabilities. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Solid Edge Software Packages


Our complete 3D CAD and support package, with added sheet metal, frame and weldments, surface modelling and plastic part design functionality.

This package includes all the functionality of Solid Edge Design and Drafting. Leverage the FEA simulation capabilities.


Our advanced 3D CAD and support package, with reverse engineering, generative design, photo-realistic rendering, and basic FEA simulation.

Our classic option is everything you need in a 3D CAD package. It includes all the capabilities of Solid Edge Foundation plus advanced features such as design for cost.


Our ultimate 3D CAD and support package, which includes full FEA simulation, electrical routing, and pipe and tube routing.

Solid Edge Premium, includes all the features in the Classic package plus advanced motion simulation, advanced stress simulation, simulation optimisation and PCB collaboration.

Key features Foundation Classic Premium
Cloud enabled ‌✅ ‌✅ ‌✅
2D Drafting ‌✅ ‌✅ ‌✅
2D/3D data re-use ‌✅ ‌✅ ‌✅
3D part design ‌✅ ‌✅ ‌✅
3D assembly design ‌✅ ‌✅ ‌✅
Automated 2D drawings ‌✅ ‌✅ ‌✅
Synchronous technology ‌✅ ‌✅ ‌✅
Design Automation ‌✅ ‌✅ ‌✅
Sheet metal design ‌✅ ‌✅ ‌✅
Frame and weldment design ‌✅ ‌✅ ‌✅
Surface Modelling ‌✅ ‌✅ ‌✅
Plastic part design ‌✅ ‌✅ ‌✅
Jig and fixture design ‌✅ ‌✅ ‌✅
Conceptual assembly layout ‌✅ ‌✅ ‌✅
Additive manufacturing (3D Printing) ‌✅ ‌✅ ‌✅
Built-in data management ‌✅ ‌✅ ‌✅
Free collaboration tools (viewing, sharing, mark-up) ‌✅ ‌✅ ‌✅
Standard parts library ‌✅ ‌✅ ‌✅
Mesh data import and re-use (Convergent modelling technology) ‌✅ ‌✅ ‌✅
Generative design ‌✅ ‌✅ ‌✅
Visualization - animation ‌✅ ‌✅ ‌✅
IFC import and export for BIM ‌✅ ‌✅ ‌✅
SolidWorks/Inventor/Creo data migration tools ‌✅ ‌✅ ‌✅
Simulation - motion ‌✅ ‌✅ ‌✅
Visualization - photorealistic rendering ‌✅ ‌✅
Cam/Gear/Pulley/Shaft/Spring/Beam/Column design ‌✅ ‌✅
Standard parts library extension (machinery) ‌✅ ‌✅
Reverse engineering (3D Scanning) ‌✅ ‌✅
Simulation - motion with advanced kinematics ‌✅
Simulation - structural with optimization ‌✅
Electrical routing ‌✅
Piping and tubing ‌✅

Solid Edge Reviews

“Using synchronous technology will allow us to make faster and more frequent design iterations.”

Brian Fritz - Engineering Supervisor
B&P Littleford LLC

“The more I got to use Solid Edge, the more I felt like I don’t need to be worried about it slowing me down. I realized it was actually going to speed me up. So I’m not worried about losing my top-gun status as a SOLIDWORKS user because I feel like I’ll be right where I need to be with the new software.”

Scott Samborn - Senior Mechanical Design Engineer
B&P Littleford LLC

“We know quantities and costs before we order and can avoid waste. In addition we can give customers accurate lead times.”

Peter Elliott-Moore - Engineering Director

“Our customers are looking for more than a safe and reliable pump; they demand engineering competence, and Solid Edge enables us to demonstrate our capability.”

Ian Calder-Potts - Chairman

“Solid Edge saves a huge amount of time in the workshop.”

Peter Elliott-Moore - Engineering Director

“63 percent design productivity gain. Detailed drawing production time reduced from 3.2 hours to 1.2 hours. Produced almost three times as many drawings in first year. About half of all RBS employees (manufacturing, purchasing, sales, CNC shop) can now access current design data”

Ricardo Espinosa
Kimball International

About Us

We understand Industrial Machinery manufacturers are under pressure to deliver quality machinery and equipment faster and more cost effectively. This puts pressure on design departments to iterate quickly, cascading down through the operations creating cost and delays.

Particularly now, knowing how to improve operations to reduce time to market offers manufactures an advantage over the competition. Specifically advantages in the areas of design time, standard parts/Re-use parts, quality control and shop floor instructions/drawings.

The possibilities this software offers are exciting. To understand how Solid Edge can solve your specific business challenges, I would be happy to provide a confidential consultation.

 - Craig Russell, Director of 3D Hub

Siemens Software Solutions


It's important to know that Solid Edge is so much more than a CAD system. Sure, it has the best mechanical design in the marketplace, but what about the rest of the things that you need to do as a business? 

Electrical design, simulation and manufacturing are all part of the Solid Edge portfolio, along with technical publications and data management, regardless of how small or how large you are.

We are able to assist you with the Seimens solutions information you require.


Craig Russell

Director, 3D Hub

09 300 5455

5/14 Akepiro Street, Mount Eden, Auckland 1024